Concealed Carry Class in Oak Lawn, IL
Illinois has a higher crime rate than the United States average, and less than half of the residents feel safe in the state. If you are one of the 64% who feels daily concern for your safety, consider taking a concealed carry class at Topcat Training in Oak Lawn, IL. We can teach you the techniques and give you the knowledge to help you feel safe in your state again.
We Have Trained, Experienced Instructors
In Illinois, concealed carry licenses are only available after you take a firearms training course and prove your accuracy. At Topcat Training, we have the certification necessary to provide this course and administer the live fire exercise. We are also certified NRA instructors, so you can count on our expertise.
We'll teach you how to defend yourself without hurting innocent bystanders, and we'll give you this training in a small enough group - with 20 people at most - that you'll have the chance to ask any questions you may have. If you prefer a private course, we can offer maximum personalization and customize the course to your needs while still covering the state requirements.
Plus, when you work with us, you have the opportunity to learn from a former Chicago security guard, so you can glean knowledge from someone who knows what it's like to be in dangerous situations. We'll teach you how to take care of and shoot your gun, but we'll also give you information about the five fundamentals of shooting and the things you need to know about situational awareness as a concealed carry license holder.
A concealed carry license in Illinois also has reciprocity within several other states in the US, so it's a worthwhile investment. To learn more about the different courses we offer or to sign up for the concealed carry class, contact us.